Our How-to Guide to Get Your Website Ready for the Holidays

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Our How-to Guide to Get Your Website Ready for the Holidays

Now that the holiday season is coming up, we’re all busy racking our brains to develop effective marketing campaigns in time for the holidays. And for some businesses, this means it’s time to update their websites with promotions and produce compelling holiday-related content. 

Because the holidays can be a hectic time for business, many business owners team up with digital marketing agencies to help build, develop, and upgrade their website just in time for the holiday season.

If you’re currently thinking of ways to get your website ready for the holidays, keep reading. This article will be your business’s guide in getting your website ready for the festive season. Grab a pen and paper, and let’s get to it!

Build a marketing calendar

As mentioned earlier, holidays are a tricky and busy time. To help you stay on top of your digital marketing plan, you must create a cohesive and organized calendar. With this, you’ll be able to track your business’s and your customers’ progress to help you gain momentum for the holidays. 

In this calendar, make sure you highlight important dates and when you’ll execute individual plans. When you plot your marketing campaign, you’ll be able to create fresh and relevant content that will drive customers to your website at the right time.

Create an SEO strategy

Although SEO may take some time before you can see results, it’s a vital tool to maintain a robust digital presence in the long run. And for that reason, you should start creating and executing your SEO strategy early on.

When you use SEO for your website, you help search engines find you, ultimately bringing target consumers to your website, boosting website traffic, and ultimately increasing your online sales.

Design and develop an engaging website

One of the first things you should remember when designing, developing, and updating your website is your website’s navigation. Ensure that all the design elements are organized, your call-to-action buttons are placed in visible and useful areas, and your sitemap is easy to go through. 

Having a poor website design will affect your customer’s experience, which could cause them to bounce and not be interested in your products and services at all. This is why it’s best to work with a reliable digital marketing agency to help you build a website that will make you and your customers happy, especially during the holiday season.

Quickfire website questions

1. How do I create an illusion of choice through web design?

Ideally, you want to give your customers two to three options when they’re on your website to lead them to the same outcome. If you’re going to sell products, encourage your market to buy through your website or to buy later by sending them email campaigns.

2. How do I incorporate rewards into my website?

Rewards motivate consumers to perform a specific action. However, you shouldn’t overdo it to help you achieve a goal effectively. 

You can offer rewards as customers sign up for your newsletter and be a member of your website. Besides that, you can have exclusive offerings for customers who also follow your social media accounts and other business-related platforms. 

3. Should I avoid immediate sign-ups?

Imagine walking into a shop, and the first thing they’ll ask is your personal information. Isn’t that a bit odd? You’ll most likely step out and go to another shop.

The same goes for websites; be more welcoming and avoid pop-ups and forms requiring them to give you their personal information before granting access to your website.


It’s great that you’re aware that your business’s website needs an upgrade, especially now that the holiday season is quickly approaching. You don’t want your company to fall behind the competition during this time. 

By following our tips and working with a reputable digital marketing agency, such as We Believe That, you’ll be able to create effective marketing plans that will surely help boost your website traffic and conversion during the holiday season.

Are you looking for a digital marketing agency in Montreal? Check out We Believe That. We are a digital marketing agency that focuses on creating effective SEO strategies, content marketing, and graphic design for clients to help them achieve their business goals. Work with us today!

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